“L’aquilone di Viviana” theatre company, was born in 2000, in Cagliari. It works in the field of artistic and creative disciplines, favouring the theater as an useful tool for the implementation of projects with cultural, creative, identity and social goals. It is managed by the artistical director Ilaria Nina Zedda and the technological director Marco Quondamatteo. L'Aquilone di Viviana deals with: the production and distribution of transdisciplinary shows aimed at different age groups; and the productions of site specific events, connected to our territory too. From 2014, within the same company, the spin-off Kyber Theater was born, the theater and new technologies company that organizes every year the International Festival of Art and New Technologies called "Le Meraviglie del Possibile", the first national festival about multimedia theater.
L'Aquilone di Viviana manages Spazio Osc, the venue of DomOSC - Domo de sa Cultura - the first Sardinian Cultural House in Cagliari.
L'Aquilone di Viviana is DomOSC!
Video Gum Production is a company that works in the following fields: audiovisual production and post –production, digital video service with mobile devices for live events, digital production and post-production for third parties. The company also offers a wide range of services, from individual troupes for broadcasters to the filming management of complex events and shows, achieved with the use of two mobile directions, in addition to the design and production of documentaries and advertising spot. This "production and post-production center" is located in Cagliari (24, via Newton).
Video Gum is DomOSC!
Mega Soc. Coop
Mega Soc.Coop is a non-profit social cooperative company.
He deals with services for public and private companies, related to administrative support, call center management, communication, public relations and promotional campaigns.
It also produces multimedia supports and graphic designs.
It deals with cultural activities too with services related to production, performance, organization, distribution and management of several events and shows, including the technical assistance and the scene set up.
It also do research and experimentation in educational and leisure fields, and in entertainment, sport and tourism activities.
It works in Cagliari, Via Newton.
Mega Soc. Coop is DOMOSC!
Marco Lutzu
Docente di etnomusicologia all’Università di Cagliari, ha svolto ricerca sul campo nei Caraibi e in Sardegna, dove si è occupato di musica e religione, analisi della performance, launeddas e poesia improvvisata. È ideatore e responsabile scientifico dell’Enciclopedia della Musica Sarda (ed. L’Unione Sarda). Si occupa della supervisione scientifica, della stesura dei contenuti scientifici del sito e dei rapporti con i cantori e suonatori coinvolti nelle diverse attività.